Clinical services

We offer a full range of services, all hospital based, to cope with all aspects of equine work.

Lameness investigation, poor performance, sales vet checks and TRC.

Some lameness, such as laminitis, foot abscesses or more obvious traumatic injuries can be easy to diagnose. However, often lameness is mild and difficult to localise. Following an initial assessment, these cases usually require more in-depth investigations. Very often nerve, joint blocks and bone scan are performed to localise the source of pain. Once this has been established, diagnostic imaging in the form of x-ray, ultrasound scanning or MRI is usually performed to achieve an accurate diagnosis. This enables the most appropriate course of treatment to be prescribed for your horse to produce the best chance of a successful outcome.

In addition to our firm trot-up and lunging area, the practice has a 25x60m all-weather manege with (geotextile- Geolastic®). This allows horses to be observed safely on a variety of surfaces, either in-hand, on the lunge or under saddle. This is particularly useful in the evaluation of subtle gait abnormalities, for assessment of the cardio-respiratory system in performance testing and for pre-purchase examinations (vettings).

Poor performance in horses can be due to orthopaedic problems (lameness, neck/back pain), respiratory problems, gastrointestinal problems or other illnesses. Investigation of these can be carried out at HRLE by our dedicated team of vets. Lameness assessment areas, radiography, ultrasonography, scintigraphy, MRI and endoscopy are all available at HRLE to allow appropriate in-depth investigation. Horses can be stabled for longer investigations.

We are pioneers in the use of regenerative medicine with stem cell application to tendons, ligaments and joints, and have published articles in scientific magazines covering both human and veterinarian medicine.

Diagnostic imaging

We have the latest digital diagnostic imaging equipment including MRI, nuclear scintigraphy, Wi-Fi direct radiography, videoendoscopy, and high definition ultrasonography (including colour Doppler).

We have the only Nuclear Scintigraphy and MRI units south of Madrid, which enables us to locate and diagnose all varieties of lameness.

Nuclear Scintigraphy shows us the ‘hot points’ in those horses which are difficult to block, with multiple limb problems or problems in the higher areas which are unsuitable for anaesthetizing.

Our MRI scan, as operated under general anaesthetic, allows us to obtain excellent quality diagnostic images.

Our latest addition to diagnostic materials is a Tomosynthesis unit (3D radiograph) to help our work in I+D.

Internal medicine

We carry out in-depth medical investigations into a variety of cases including the following: colic, diarrhoea, chronic weight loss, respiratory, cardiology, foal medicine, dermatology, ophthalmology and neurology. We have 2 Intensive Care units for both adult horses and newborn foals, and a quarantine unit for any infectious patient.


We offer an immediate blood analysis service which covers haematology, biochemistry & electrolytes. We also take and prepare samples as required for testing in cytology, bacterial culture, PCR, histopathology and parasite presence in the best laboratories in Spain and Europe.

Orthopaedic & Soft tissue surgery

We have one of the finest equipped operating theatre facilities in Spain. We perform orthopaedic surgery such as arthroscopies, fracture repair, colic surgery, respiratory problems, general and aesthetic surgery (in both adult horses and foals).

Our I+D department now undertakes laparoscopies, in our minimal invasive operating theatre, on a “Closure of Inguinal Ring Project” with the aim of avoiding scrotal hernias in PRE stallions.